M - F 10am - 5pm (Pacific)

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We do not share, sell, loan, or in any way provide the information you have given to us to any third party companies. Rogersound Labs, LLC will only release customer provided information if required by law. Any information collected is solely to process a sale or provide you with information that you requested such as: newsletters, product information, and technical support. This privacy policy is governed by our terms and conditions and may change from time to time without notice. Please familiarize your self with our privacy policy regularly.


Information collected by Rogersound Labs, LLC is solely and strictly for the purpose of completing sales transactions and providing you with requested information. We collect the following:
– Name
– Address
– Email
– Phone number
– Credit Card Information


To register for an account through the Site, we require you to supply us with your email address, or other information needed to contact you online. If you supply us with your email address, you may later access it, update it, modify it and delete any inaccuracies by accessing your account. Registering with us is not required to make purchases on our site.